NO PROBLEM offers a wide range of quality products to customers by reasonably priced. Each product is described in detail in our catalog. If you are complementary, please contact us. One of our production specialists can give you all the information you need.

Barrier casings have a complex multilayer structure. All the layers composed of a unique combination of polymers combine to produce the synergetic effect and ensure a list of advantages, such as mechanical strength, high elasticity and others.

The smoke-permeable casings make it possible to roast and smoke products
to impart to them the characteristic pleasant taste and flavor, and to create the
coagulated protein crust and glossy surface of the products under the casing.

The high heat resistance of the polymers used to make the packaging for
frankfurters and wieners significantly extends the temperature range of utilization
of the casing in comparison with collagen and cellulose casings.
The high mechanical strength of the packaging for frankfurters and wieners
makes it possible to mold the products by using various types of equipment
to achieve a high speed of production and overstuffing relative to the nominal
caliber. The caliber consistency in the packaging for frankfurters and wieners
provides for stable filling on the modern high-capacity frankfurter lines and
stuffers with twisting devices.
Microbiological resistance. The materials used for production of the packaging for
frankfurters and wieners are inert to the action of bacteria and mold fungi. This
improves the hygienic characteristics of both the casing itself, and the finished

The high heat resistance of the polymers used to make the packaging for
frankfurters and wieners significantly extends the temperature range of utilization
of the casing in comparison with collagen and cellulose casings.
The high mechanical strength of the packaging for frankfurters and wieners
makes it possible to mold the products by using various types of equipment
to achieve a high speed of production and overstuffing relative to the nominal
caliber. The caliber consistency in the packaging for frankfurters and wieners
provides for stable filling on the modern high-capacity frankfurter lines and
stuffers with twisting devices.
Microbiological resistance. The materials used for production of the packaging for
frankfurters and wieners are inert to the action of bacteria and mold fungi. This
improves the hygienic characteristics of both the casing itself, and the finished